Can I add hulled hemp seeds to my baby’s diet
Yes. Hulled hemp seeds, (also called hemp hearts) pose little to no allergy risk to your little one (check with your pediatrician but 7-8 months old should be a good starting point) Hemp seeds are super good for baby and packed with plant nutrition. They have protein, omega fatty acid and antioxidants. Hemp seeds have a mild nutty flavor and are a great addition to almost any baby food and toddler food.
Ideas for serving hemp seeds to baby and toddler
Hemp seeds are best served raw to protect its nutrients. They are sold already hulled and ready to add to your favorite baby and toddler food. Serving sizes depend on the age of your baby. A teaspoon or two of hemp hearts are a good starting point. As your baby gets older, keep in mind that three tablespoons of hemp hearts are considered a serving size and contain 10 grams of protein – the daily allowance for a 1 to 3 year old, so from ages one to three there is no need to exceed three tablespoons of hemp hearts. See this cool chart on recommended daily allowances of protein by age from hempinformer.com. Hemp hearts can be added to yogurt, applesauce, super porridge, smashed banana, smashed avocado …most anything. They can even be eaten straight from the plate. (or the spoon as the case may be.) There is also hemp powder and hemp milk available for other ways to get hemp into your baby’s diet. Hemp powder is easy to sprinkle on almost anything. Hemp milk can be mixed into super porridge or added to fruit for a smoothie.
Why is hemp so good for baby (and you, too)
Hemp is a great source of protein and Omega 3 as we have mentioned. We know protein gives us longer energy but why are omega 3’s so important to our health? TheSweetbeet.com reminds us that omega 3 offers ” enhanced brain functioning (our brain is 60% fat, and half of that is DHA – an Omega 3), improved blood circulation, strengthened immunity, lower incidence of inflammation and healthier eyes.” Sold yet? Hemp also packs a heavier punch on the protein front than flax seed and almonds, two heavy hitters in their own right. For parents, hemp hearts can be sprinkled on salads, soups and vegetables.
Have you had good experience with hemp seeds? Share them with us.