Moms Want to Know About: Tips For Second Beginner Feeder in Your Family

When you start a baby on solid food for the very time, it is not always smooth sailing.  Here’s a question from a mom about starting her second baby on solid food and Ruth’s answer.  Maybe YOUR feeding solid question will be answered too!

Love Super Baby Food! My first child is a terrific eater and I know it is from using your book. However baby number two is presenting a bit of a challenge. She’s 6 months and becoming really gassy after rice cereal. I don’t get it. I am still nursing and am very careful about what I ingest. We haven’t been able to really start other solids like avocado and banana because it is such a battle. Could it be the rice cereal? We were about the start the super porridge, but now I’m not so sure. Thoughts?

Ruth says:

NO BATTLES! Wait a week and then gently offer again. Try banana well mushed and liquidy-tastes like breastmilk. Ages 6 and 7 months are for LEARNING TO EAT. Not until 8 months will you baby actually need calories from solid foods to supplement breastmilk. Wait a few days, try again, and let me know how things worked out. Never force or push! 🙂 (Rice cereal and gas – I’m not surprised. I’d be willing to bet that the cereal as first food will be changed to banana some day.) Make sure your baby is getting an iron supplement and a vitamin D supplement-ask your pediatrician.

If you have any feeding solid food questions, do not hesitate to leave  a comment here.  Ruth would love to hear from you and to help.