How Large Is a Baby Food Serving? More Information to Feed Your Super Baby

In the Super Baby Food,  I write about the “food serving.”  Here’s more information about the “food serving” as it relates to your baby.

The amount of food in a serving varies tremendously with the day and the baby.  The formal, technical definition of a baby food serving is “however much your baby will eat.”  The point is that there is no absolute size or standardized amount of food that constitutes a serving for a baby.  But to give you rough idea, the hypothetical average beginning eater’s food serving probably falls somewhere between 1 and 4 tablespoons.

A major part of the Super Baby Food System is the preparation of ice-cube sized frozen vegetable cubes.  For beginners, a serving size is generally 1/2 veggie cube to 2 veggie cubes. Start by giving your beginning eater a food cube made by filling the ice cube about half-way.  If she wants another, she”ll let you know.

Another major part of the Super Baby Food System is the home-making of whole grain cereals, like Super Baby Porridge.  A food serving of homemade cereal for beginning eaters is 1/4 – 1/2 cup of cooked cereal.  This equates to 1-2 tablespoons of dry uncooked cereal before it’s stirred into boiling water.  Remember that “baby serving’ is VERY flexible.  All babies are different and all appetites are different – it’s simply a rough idea.  Give your baby as much as he will eat, but watch carefully for signals that he has had enough, and don’t try to feed him more food after he loses interest.

Watch for our next blog post on similar-sized food servings to help with the balance of your baby’s Super Baby Food Diet.