Baby Led Weaning: The New Way to Feed Baby?

Moms are talking about… Baby Led-Weaning There is a DVD available on this subject.  I paid $90! for it and then realized the entire DVD can be viewed on YouTube for free.  There is also a book on it by Gill Rapley and Tracey Murkett called Baby Led Weaning.  Google “baby led weaning” and lots… Continue reading Baby Led Weaning: The New Way to Feed Baby?

Super Baby Food Tips For Your Baby’s Very First Meal

You’ve checked out all the signs for readiness and your feeding area is welcoming and safe.  It’s time for your baby’s very first “solid” food meal!  Here are some tips to make sure that your baby’s very first meal is a success. The best time to give your baby her very first meal is in… Continue reading Super Baby Food Tips For Your Baby’s Very First Meal